Novi Sad

2018 off to a good start!


What better way to start the year off than with two sold out gigs in January?!

Our first gig this year was in the Serbian National Theatre in the beautiful city of Novi Sad, the future European Capital of Culture for 2021, with the legend that is Slobodan Trkulja. It was our first trip to Serbia, and we were blown away by the kindness shown to us by our hosts and the sold out audience.

This is how European Capitol of Culture Novi Sad, Serbia, celebrates 7526. year in a sold out Serbian National Theatre!

Fantastic Ímar from Glasgow blasting it with Novi Sad audience on their feet! Slobodan was a host on behalf of ECC and shared a stage with his brothers from Glasgow, Cork and Isle of Man (and made this video along the way 😁)
Ryan, Adam, Mohsen, Rhodsie, Tom & Kevin your family just got bigger. We already miss you. 🇷🇸🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🇮🇪🇮🇲
Thanks to Novi Sad 2021 fundation and Balkanopolis CENTER for MODERN TRADITION – that made this incredible concert possible!

Овако Европска Престоница Културе Нови Сад прославља 7526. годину у распродатом Српском Народном Позоришту!

Фантастични ИМАР из Глазгова је одушевио и дигао публику на ноге! Слободан је био домаћин у име ЕПК и поделио бину са музичком браћом из Глазгова, Корка и острва Мен. (и успут снимио овај видео 😁)
Рајанe, Адаме, Роудзи, Мохсен и Томе, ваша породица се синоћ увећала. Већ нам недостајете!
Хвала фондацији Нови Сад 2021. и “Балканополис – Центру за Модерну Традицију” који су омогућили овај незаборавни концерт!

Posted by Slobodan Trkulja & Balkanopolis on Sunday, 14 January 2018


Next up we’re returning to our home city of Glasgow for Celtic Connections, where we’ll be playing a gig with the amazing Appalachian artist Kaia Kater. This gig is also sold out, so we’re hoping the Glasgow crowd can do its best to rival our new Serbian friends!

There’s plenty more gigs coming during the rest of the year, some are still to be announced, so keep checking the gigs page!